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Since 1839: A Brief History of EHS

Student Letter from 1858

A hand written letter by Joseph Bryan, Jr., Class of 1861, while he was a student.
The EHS Archives recently acquired a letter hand written by Joseph Bryan, Jr., EHS Class of 1861, while he was a student. The letter, dated Sept. 21, 1858, was sent to his cousin and sister early in the school year.

Bryan writes about his Latin, French, and Greek classes, as well as the appearance of a comet. A gift from Dr. Elizabeth Carmichael and Berta and Freddie Bocock ’50, this artifact is a wonderful and appreciated addition to the School’s archives.

Below is the text of the letter:

Fairfax September 21st 1858

My Dear Cousin Carter & Sister Tuck

There are two good reasons for my writing a joint letter in the 1st place because I owe you both one in the 2nd because I have not time to write two. We received your letter cousin Carter last Friday night and while we were reading them we heard the boys hollow something a comet we went out and perceived that heavenly body with a fiery tail to it to the North West by West of us. I have just finished a letter to Ran & I have to write another one to Sis De after I have done this. Both St & my-self have been advanced in Latin & French and I have been told by one of the Teachers that he intended to put me in a higher Greek Class. There is no news to tell you I have thought of every bit. St sends his love to all and the same for me.

Your affectionate Brother & Cousin

Jos. Bryan Jr.

PS. I can’t spare but ½ a sheet of paper