The Arts

The Arts at EHS

An Interdisciplinary Approach

As the only 100 percent residential boarding school near Washington, D.C., Episcopal High School brings the arts to life through visiting artists and by taking students to enjoy the numerous cultural resources of the nation’s capital.

Our Philosophy

That which defines beauty is intensely personal and ever-changing; that the human soul longs for it is undeniable. The need to experience and create resides in the human spirit. It is our job at Episcopal to honor that fundamental desire by uncovering it in some and nourishing it in all.
The School’s Arts Department instills in students a lifelong commitment to the creative arts and the world of imagination. Through a common core of arts in the curriculum, extracurricular opportunities for developing individual talents, and a consistent exposure to the rich cultural background of the nation's capital, students work toward a comprehensive understanding of and appreciation for all the arts and develop the ability to communicate proficiently in at least one art form.

Students who wish to focus their talents and energies toward serious training in the arts over four years are able to prepare for an arts major or studies at the college level. Knowledge and understanding of the arts through active participation and experience are vital to the development of student minds and values – inseparable from the rest of an Episcopal education.

Our Fine and Performing Arts Faculty

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