List Detail


The Washington Program
The Washington Program provides the opportunity to use the resources of the Washington, D.C., region. The ninth grade and tenth grade World History courses introduce the student to the structured use of Washington resources. There are class-oriented academic tours on Wednesdays that generally involve about half of the students in the School. These tours include theater and concert trips for English, theater, and music classes. In addition, there are many voluntary outings referred to as cultural connections. For seniors in good academic standing, the culmination of this program comes with participation in the senior externship.


The School's Yearbook.

Work Hours

Work hours are a form of consequence and are generally held from 8-10 a.m. on Saturdays.

  • The Washington Program

    The Washington Program provides the opportunity to use the resources of the capital area. The ninth grade and tenth grade World History courses introduce the student to the structured use of Washington resources. There are class-oriented academic tours on Wednesdays that generally involve about half of the students in the School. These tours include theater and concert trips for English, theater, and music classes. In addition, there are many voluntary outings referred to as cultural connections. For seniors in good academic standing, the culmination of this program comes with participation in the Senior Seminar.
  • Valedictory

    Held the Friday night before Commencement, awards are presented for student academic and athletic achievements at this School-wide ceremony.
  • Vespers

    A nighttime chapel service that is held on a Monday approximately once a month.
  • Whispers

    The EHS School Yearbook.
  • Work Hours

    One of the main forms of consequence. Work hours are held Saturdays and Sundays from 9-11 a.m.
  • Wrestling Cage

    Wrestling practices and meets are held in “The Cage.”