McCain-Ravenel Center
MRC Days

McCain-Ravenel Days Highlight Service, Humility, and Courage

The 2023-24 school year’s first McCain-Ravenel Days focused on three core tenets of Episcopal’s Portrait of a Graduate: service, humility, and courage. On Sunday afternoon, sophomores, juniors, and seniors enjoyed an impactful visit from Carlos Del Toro, United States Secretary of the Navy, while the freshmen were in the midst of the 26th annual Burch Trip. On Monday, each grade went on their own adventures to dive deeper into the Portrait qualities in small group settings.
“What a joy it was to dive into our first MRC programming day with our students and faculty,” said Mimi Schwanda, assistant director of the Center. “Whether it was learning about teamwork in a small group on the National Mall or serving food at a local community kitchen, students learned more about themselves and their community, and all of the work set a great tone for the year to come."
On Sunday afternoon, the entire school community gathered in Pendleton Hall to hear from The Honorable Carlos Del Toro, the United States Secretary of the Navy. Del Toro recounted stories of his childhood as a Cuban immigrant and his journey to the Naval Academy. He spoke of leadership and courage, showing our students firsthand the epitome of a life of service.
On Monday, the sophomore class went on a scavenger hunt on the National Mall where they worked on leadership and teamwork skills in small groups. The junior class met Justin Wilson, the mayor of Alexandria, to talk about how he became mayor and how students can do their civic duty, after which they divided into small group community service projects at local food banks. The senior class went to the Naval Academy to take a tour of the school, accompanied by three EHS employees who have served in the Navy: history teacher Captain Joe Eldred, physics teacher Charlie Moore, and Associate Director of Admissions Ingrid Boyum. The class also heard leadership lessons from Episcopal’s own Gilbert Amason ’20.
All hands were on deck to make this day a success for the group. Dr. Ryan Pemberton, the William Stamps Farish Fund Director of the McCain-Ravenel Center, noted the faculty-wide teamwork that made the day possible: “Faculty investment transforms these days from simple trips off campus to opportunities for self-reflection, growth, and the building of deep bonds.”

View photos from the day here.

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