News Detail (Heads & Faculty)

Gray MacNair King ’96

Fannie Mae Capital Markets Director Gray MacNair King ’96 gave students a crash course in the subprime mortgage crisis when she visited Episcopal as part of the Washington Program’s Brown Bag Series this spring. King will join the EHS Board of Trustees for the 2015-16 school year.
How did you get from EHS to Fannie Mae?
After spending time in New York on Wall Street, I decided to move back to Washington. I was looking for an opportunity to remain in a capital markets environment, and I was given the opportunity at Fannie Mae. I did not know the first thing about mortgages! The good news is I have learned tons since I have been at Fannie Mae.

Why is homeownership such an important part of the American dream?
I think that homeownership is embedded in America’s value system. Most people, whether they are recent Americans or have families that have been here for centuries, aspire to own a home and build a family in a stable community. A dependable mortgage system is a component of making this a reality for many.

What do you love about your job?
It’s fascinating! Understanding the interplay between the global markets and how that impacts everyday life is really interesting – or at least it is to me. I learn something new every day.

How did EHS prepare you for your life today, professionally and personally?
Episcopal was truly a pivotal point in my life. It exposed me to different people and different cultures and forced me to become more independent at a young age. I learned so much about myself during my time at EHS. One of the most important things I learned was good manners and that treating everyone with respect is vital. While it may seem basic, it is so important in business to have these characteristics as your foundation in everything you do. It will take you further then you may realize!

Was there an EHS teacher or experience that you consider especially influential?
Being many years removed from EHS and having now had children of my own has made me realize how valuable the teachers and administrators are to any school. At Episcopal, not only do we have the best, but we also have adults who deeply care about the School, and that makes it a very unique place. There are too many teachers, coaches, and administrators who influenced and guided me to name here, but I am so grateful for their abilities to shape and educate!

What excites you about joining Episcopal’s board?
EHS has given me so much, and I am so excited to give back. I was one of the earliest classes of females at Episcopal, and it is wonderful to see that the School is in such a great place in terms of its growth and its ability to adapt and especially excel with co-education. I can’t wait to be a part of contributing to Episcopal’s vision for the future.

Recommend a book that has inspired you.
“Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand is an incredibly inspiring story about resilience and the human spirit.