List Detail


Harrison Dormitory
A girls’ dormitory in Robertson Hall.

Head Tour Guides

A group of seniors who work with the Admissions Office to manage the student tour guide program.

Henderson Hall

Henderson houses Hummel and McGuire Dormitories.

High List

Students with a weighted average of 90 or above (unrounded) receive recognition on “The High List.” The High List is announced four times per year; first quarter, first semester, third quarter and final year end.

Honor Code

The most respected tradition at Episcopal, and the key to our whole community, is that of honor. The Honor Code fosters a sense of community and trust that pervades and enhances our experience. Students shall do their own work, represent themselves truthfully, and claim only what is their own.

Honor Committee

The Honor Committee hears all cases referred to it involving an alleged violation of the Honor Code. The Committee is comprised of eight students elected by their classmates; plus three faculty or administrators and the Faculty Advisor to the Committee, who are appointed by the Head of School.

Hoxton Dormitory

A boys’ dormitory.

Hoxton House

The main building on campus, houses the Head of School's Office, other administrative offices, and Laird Dining Hall. Built in the early 1880s, the house was the home of George Washington’s granddaughter, Elizabeth Custis Law. The School logo is representative of Hoxton House.

Hummel Bowl

Outdoor athletic facility with 2,800 spectator seats for football and lacrosse games, referred to as "the Bowl."

Hummel Dormitory

The freshmen boys’ dormitory in Henderson Hall.

Hummel Learning Center

Includes the David H. March Library and many foreign language and mathematics classrooms, as well as a computer lab and study hall. As a part of The EHS Promise Capital Campaign, the Hummel Learning Center was renovated and completed in the fall of 2010.