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Students Ace National French Contest

During the first week in April, EHS students in French 3 and above were offered the opportunity to participate in Le Grand Concours, a national competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF). The contest evaluates written, oral, and listening comprehension skills in French. Nearly 45,000 students competed in the 2024 event, according to the AATF. Félicitations à toustes!

Darya Campi ’25 - Mention d’Honneur
Nickolas Correa ’25 - Mérite
Virginia Goodwin ’26 - Mérite
Charlotte Johnston ’26 - Lauréat National - Médaille de bronze
Ivy Tjoeng ’26 - Lauréat National - Médaille d'argent
Amy Wang ’24 - Mention d’Honneur
Louise Williamson ’26 - Mention d’Honneur
RouYi Zha ’25 - Mérite

Shelby Campbell ’25 - Mérite
David Liu ’25 - Mérite
Mairead Radtke ’26 - Lauréat National - Médaille de bronze
Sicheng Song ’25 - Lauréat National - Médaille de bronze

Meg Gray ’24 - Mention d’Honneur
MacKenzie Hand ’25 - Mérite
Ryan Zarari ’25 - Mérite
Michelle Zhang ’25 - Lauréat National - Médaille d'argent